• Reserved for B2C ?

We see it every day at Erdyn: biosourced is popular for products sold in B2C for which it constitutes a real selling point with consumers and justifies higher prices. Yes, for packaging, consumer goods, sports equipment and materials, or the construction of real estate. On the other hand, convincing people of the relevance of biosourced polymers for industrial applications, such as the manufacture of wind turbine blades, pressurized hydrogen tanks or printed circuits is a gauge. For many applications, there is still little compromise possible in terms of price-performance. Also, the eco-design of this latest equipment imposed by EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility), mainly involves the adoption of designs or materials that facilitate recycling1. As such, thermoplastic resins are gaining ground over thermosetting materials2.

  • Quantify the positive effect: percentage of biosourced vs. LCA (Life Scycle Assessment)

Alone, the content of biosourced raw material certified ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) does not make it possible to assess the environmental impact of a product: the production of polyethylene 100% from conventional market gardening n is not viable. A first classification into “generation” exists and allows, for example, to distinguish raw materials in competition with human or animal food (sugar cane, corn, wheat, etc.), or from wood pulp and algae; the latter being naturally the most virtuous. Other parameters are considered: type of crop and quantity of input, biorefinery processes, transport, etc., making it difficult to evaluate the positive effect of the integration of biosourced material. Another crucial point: biosourced does not rhyme with biodegradable. Thus, Braskem bio-polyethylene from sugar cane, widely used in packaging, is not biodegradable3. Difficult to decide without a complete life cycle analysis (LCA), complex and expensive to implement and more difficult to interpret for the general public.

  • An unequal offer

Changing supplier is a significant investment, especially when these materials have recently arrived on the market and the technologies are still little proven. Differences in thermal, mechanical, or rheological properties of biosourced materials belong both to the processing conditions, as well as to the characteristics of the final product. In addition, production capacities for these bio-based materials may be limited and the supply chain under stress. Erdyn offers to support you in this process, by methodically and objectively identifying and selecting potential collaborators and suppliers according to your criteria: chemistry & solvent, physico-chemical properties, environmental impact, production capacity and availability, reliability and partner challenge, TRL – until sample collection… Do not hesitate to contact us!

[1] https://expertises.ademe.fr/economie-circulaire/filieres-a-responsabilite-elargie-producteurs-rep/reglementation-filieres-REP

[2] https://www.arkema.com/global/fr/products/product-finder/product-range/incubator/elium_resins/

[3] https://www.braskem.com/imgreen/detail-news/braskem-developed-worlds-first-renewable-source-polyethylene-wax