Launch of the Horizon Europe project “PULSAR”

A new European project has recently started at Erdyn: the PULSAR project – « Propelling eUropean Leadership through Synergizing Aviation Research” – funded under the Horizon Europe program (Cluster 5).

The project (which officially began on January 1st, 2023, and will last 48 months until December 2026), brought together all the partners during the kick-off meeting on February 6th and 7th at the Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (ONERA) in Châtillon, which coordinates the consortium.

With 3 leading industrial partners (Airbus, Rolls-Royce UK & Deutschland, Safran), 2 SMEs (Anotec, Erdyn), 3 world-renowned research centres (ONERA, DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, NLR – Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre), 2 British universities (Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Southampton) and a European association (Airport Regions Council), PULSAR brings together 12 entities from 6 different countries.

Towards a sustainable aviation for European citizens by 2050

The objective of PULSAR is to help European policymakers identify the main research and innovation efforts to be carried out until at least 2050 concerning noise and emission reduction, sustainable fuel development and disruptive technologies in the aviation sector.

Indeed, citizens are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of aviation, and are asking for more information and solutions to counter the emissions and noise pollution caused by this transportation mode. Taking into account the concerns of European citizens is, therefore, necessary to improve their overall quality of life.

The aviation sector must also prepare itself by anticipating future skills in order to ensure qualified human resources to face environmental problems, technological challenges and new regulations.

To this end, PULSAR will develop a new roadmap dedicated to education and skills development on environmental issues (noise and emissions) for the aviation sector. Finally, the project will also focus on raising awareness among citizens and relevant stakeholders about research and innovation efforts undertaken by the aeronautics industry to improve its environmental performance.

3 main actions will be developed during the project:

  • A European roadmap for aeronautical research and innovation detailing the efforts needed to develop appropriate technological solutions to the European Union’s strategic objectives on noise pollution, emissions, CO2 and sustainable fuels for aviation.
  • Proposed curricula for sustainable aviation providing graduate students and young scientists/engineers with resources to help them identify their educational needs in the area of sustainable aviation, and to match those needs with the academic curricula and lifelong learning modules offered by higher education institutions.
  • A multilingual online platform for environmentally friendly aviation, which will report on societal and environmental issues related to aviation and associated research efforts, enriched with feedback reports from events organized with citizens.

Erdyn as project partner

Erdyn supports the coordinator and all partners in the management of the project. This includes internal coordination, organization of progress meetings, support in monitoring actions and financial aspects, support during the different reporting phases (technical and financial) and daily management actions. Erdyn had also supported the coordinator and the consortium in the set-up of the proposal as well as in its Grant Agreement Preparation phase with the European Commission.


For more information about the project, you can visit the PULSAR website ( and contact us (Pinar Temel – or Julie Mouquet –

2023-04-26T17:16:34+02:00mercredi 26 avril 2023|Environment, Innovation, Transportation|

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