In November 2017, the EU‘s research and innovation Commission has launched a new online platform for Horizon 2020 data implementation.

The H2020 Dashboard is an interactive tool which

  • shows online statistics and graphics, for example by type of Action or by Pillar of the H2020 programme;
  • offers new analytical functions, which can be useful for reporting, impact analysis, feedback to policy/decision-making on future priorities;
  • allows all data sets on projects to be viewed and analyzed in one combined form, such as individual calls, topics and organization types.

The current version of the H2020 Dashboard brings two functions:

  1. Data on participation in proposals (requested EU funding by country, eligible and retained proposals by thematic priority).
  2. Data on funded projects (top funded projects, signed grants, average of participation per project and H2020 EU Contribution and total costs).

It is accessible via the new page Projects & Results of the Participant Portal.

Logo horizon 2020
2017-12-11T11:50:10+01:00lundi 11 décembre 2017|Non classifié(e)|

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