First annual HBP Innovation forum


On March 22, 2018, the first HBP Innovation Forum will be held at the National History Museum in London.


This event is co-organised by Erdyn and is an opportunity for researchers, industrials, socio-economic actors and clinicians to exchange and debate on the areas of scientific research, biotechnology and brain function. Several topics will be discussed such as:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Brain inspired computing
  • Data processing (Big data, data mining etc.)
  • Robotics
  • Brain related disorders

The Human Brain Project is a H2020 FET Flagship Project which strives to accelerate the fields of neuroscience, computing and brain-related medicine.

This acceleration will be achieved by strategically aligning scientific research programs in fundamental neuroscience, advanced simulation and multi-scale modeling with the construction of an enabling research infrastructure.

Erdyn coordinates HBP’s innovation activities, including detecting and seeding innovation to the market. On one hand, Erdyn is screening the innovation “candidates” emanating from the HBP research and technology community; on the other hand, we foster contacts between the HBP community and industries, socio-economic actors, clinicians, etc. potentially interested in HBP’s innovations.

We invite you to contribute to the discussion and attend the First Annual HBP Innovation Forum.

For more information, contact Shirihane Kouadri :

Erdyn :  +33 (0)1 44 16 86 00

2018-02-05T17:29:22+01:00lundi 5 février 2018|Non classé|

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