Erdyn is one of the partners of the European project TALOS (Tactical Advanced Laser Optical System), funded by the European Defence Agency in the framework of the PADR (Preparatory Action for Defence Research)

The TALOS project will develop and demonstrate some of the most critical Laser Directed Energy Weapon (LDEW) technologies paving the way to the design and build of an EU high-power laser effector to be integrated in military applications by 2025.
TALOS will lead to the development of a compact design laser able to quickly and precisely neutralize an agile target (i.e. RAM , UAV) while significantly minimizing collateral damages. The solution can also be integrated on different platforms (maritime, land and air payloads).
Coordinated by the French company CILAS, TALOS brings together 16 beneficiaries and 4 linked third parties from 9 European countries and is a well-balanced mix of industrial and academic capabilities. Some partners have great capabilities on other weapon systems. This will enable the consortium to develop a laser effector complementary to other effectors on the battlefield.
As an expert in European projects, ERDYN will contribute to the management of TALOS.
The PADR is part of wider EU initiatives: the European Defence Research Programme (EDRP) and the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) conducted by the European Commission. The objective is twofold: to foster defence strategy autonomy of Europe and to ensure alignment of the defence capabilities of Europe.
Erdyn has a recognized expertise in the field of European funding. For any question, please contact Emilie Baffie (+ –
More information about the TALOS project: