Erdyn’s comprehensive innovation research and consultancy offer is based on 3 pillars :
Erdyn’s life closely follows the pace of innovation. Find here the best of our news.
Digital Europe : une deuxième salve d’appels à projets pour soutenir la numérisation
Après un premier lot d’appels à projets publiés en Novembre 2021, le programme Digital Europe vient de dévoiler de nouvelles opportunités de financement dans...
ERDYN partner of SOTERIA Horizon 2020 project
The SOTERIA project « uSer-friendly digiTal sEcured peRsonal data and prIvacy platform », funded under Horizon 2020 Programme, started in October 2021, and will last...
Towards the Augmented Consultant
When carrying out studies for our clients, Erdyn's consultants are required to analyse and synthesise information contained, in particular, in the scientific literature. In...
Discover other testimonials from clients and business partners
Erdyn was instrumental in the development of the CONCERTO project. It is thanks in particular to its dynamism and professionalism that we were able to obtain H2020 funding.
ERDYN offers a “know to act” approach that is very well adapted to start-ups and SMEs, which allowed us to obtain relevant and pragmatic conclusions to this market study and to implement concrete commercial actions very quickly.