


You wish to:

  • Manage your research and innovation
  • Manage your project portfolio
  • Prioritize your investments and evaluate their potential profitability
  • Assess the impact of research and innovation support mechanisms and policies

You lack in-house skills, you wish to go faster or simply want a fresh look at your KPIs. You want a flexible approach, tailored to your specific needs and a strong technological and industrial expertise. Erdyn will help you to…


Analyze and diagnose your organizations and R&I projects

Since its creation, Erdyn has developed a “data driven” decision-support offer for funders, whatever the context (private, public, collaborative). Our methods of diagnosis and expertise take into account the three dimensions that any project and any organization should include: excellence, impact and quality of execution. Depending on the nature of the project and in conjunction with our client, these dimensions are weighted differently, and their content is adapted to the specificity of the context: nature of expected impacts, type of anticipated execution, proximity to internal applications or market, selectivity or ripple effect of projects… These reading and analysis grids are kept permanently at the forefront of the state of the art thanks to our monitoring and close interactions with centers of excellence in the field.

Helping decision-making in the context of due diligence

Within the frame of due diligence, our clients and the investment funds need in a very constrained period of time well-argued and robust answers to a number of questions, relating to the company’s strategy, the robustness of the provisional business plan, the evaluation of the financial needs, the evaluation of the conditions of industrialization and marketing…

Erdyn mobilizes all its expertise and experience to accompany you in this process by removing points of doubt and formulating a robust and documented analysis, while respecting your calendar and confidentiality requirements. Our analysis grid has been patiently developed for more than twenty years. It allows an in-depth evaluation of companies according to five axes: innovation, go-to-market strategy, legal and regulatory dimensions, human resources and finance.


Assessing public policies supporting research and innovation

Erdyn’s key offer is supported by a team dedicated to public policy, which mobilizes complementary skills in economics and sociology to evaluate policies supporting research and innovation. Using both qualitative tools (workshop facilitation, interviews, network analysis, etc.) and quantitative tools (advanced statistical analysis, deployment of online surveys etc.), we go from diagnosis to the formulation of recommendations. Relying also on our academic partnerships, we are also able to conduct econometric evaluations. This specific expertise has enabled us to work at both the European level (FET Flagships, COST Actions …) and national (PIA, S3 …) levels on the construction of monitoring and evaluation systems, including the definition of functional specifications for platforms dedicated to data collection and aggregation.