


You wish to:

  • Create value through innovation (new market, new clients…)
  • Generate market pull innovations and reduce time-to-market
  • Anticipate the transformations of the ecosystem in which you operate
  • Define a strategy of innovation and growth
  • Trigger the creativity of your employees through a participatory innovation process
  • Convince investors/funders of the potential of your project
  • Identify your first clients

You lack in-house skills, you wish to go faster or simply want a fresh look at your projects. You want a flexible approach, tailored to your specific needs and a strong technological and industrial expertise. Erdyn accompanies you and puts all its expertise at your disposal to…


…Defining your innovation strategy in a forward-looking logic

Whether you are a startup, an SME, a large group, a competitiveness cluster, a policy-maker or a research organization, it is crucial to proactively anticipate the major changes of tomorrow. Foresight exercises help to connect major socio-economic trends to the markets of the future, identify key technologies, develop the main lines of future action plans and lead to the launch of concrete innovation actions. These approaches require creativity, methodological rigor and multi-disciplinarity.

…Understanding and tackling markets and sectors

Entrepreneurs, managers, tech transfer professionals, you need to enable your new concepts (products, processes and services) to find their market, and transform a promise into revenue. Public decision-makers, you need to take stock of an industrial or technological sector, then identify the levers  to develop it. You need perfect knowledge of the field and a strategic overview.

Innovation Marketing is a specialty as such and Erdyn is an expert in this field. In particular, we have developed a methodology consisting of three distinct modules (opportunity assessment, market research, market discovery) which are implemented at three key stages in the progress of an innovation project: emergence (stake: Go / no Go), maturation (stake: develop the marketing strategy), pre-sales (refine the pricing and define the operational marketing).

…including internationally

International business is an important lever for growth but requires a thorough feasibility study to limit the risks. Thanks to its subsidiary in the United States and its local network, Erdyn assists you in assessing the potential of the North American market: market, competition and regulatory analysis; definition of the typical customer profile; adaptation of your value proposition to the American market; definition of the go-to-market strategy for the North American market (direct sales, distributor, acquisition, partnership, creation of a subsidiary) and evaluation of the cost and return on risk of the project to set up in the United States.

… Supporting creativity and ideation

At the root of the best innovation successes is a creative thinking that develops ideas for products, services and processes. However, operational constraints leave little time for creativity, restricting or even inhibiting it. Support from specialists is precisely the added value Erdyn provides to boost your creativity and exploit your ideation resources.

To do this, Erdyn implements a dual expertise in methodology and sector, by deploying agile teams that are articulated with your organization. We reveal the full creative potential of each individual in person or via state-of-the-art digital tools.

Erdyn meets your workshop and seminar facilitation needs while deploying tailor-made methodologies adapted to your innovation challenges. To do so, we draw inspiration from proven techniques at the cutting edge of industrial practices and research in management and cognitive psychology: stimulating creativity with learning expeditions, solving a technical problem with TRIZ, redefining the user experience with Design Thinking, anticipating breakthroughs with C-K theory etc.

Erdyn doesn’t let good ideas fall into oblivion or stagnate in a valley of death. We make your ideas tangible by immersing your employees in the most adequate lab, piloting the implementation entrusted to the most competent partners, or by writing mobilizing documents.

Finally, Erdyn coaches your intrapreneurs to face the big challenges that will make your organization a leader.