Public policies

Public policies2023-01-17T11:41:56+01:00

Public policies

Erdyn covers all issues related to public innovation policies, from foresight and strategy assignments to assessment and operational studies at all scales, from European and national institutions to local authorities, interface and backing structures…


Rennes Métropole

Impact assessment of the financial incentives to companies

Région Normandie

Assessment of the intelligent specialization strategies of Basse and Haute-Normandie for the 2014-2020 ERDF programming period and development of the Normandy intelligent specialization strategy for the 2021-2027 programming period – in collaboration with Alcimed.

Pays de la Loire Region

Design of the future Higher Education – Research – Innovation regional strategy – in collaboration with DMS Conseil


Assessment of the PIA French Fab loans program

COST European Association

Assessment of the COST actions in favor of the researchers’ mobility – in collaboration with ZSI.

Carnot Institutes Association

Notoriety study

Bourgogne Franche-Comté Region

Design of the future Higher Education – Research – Innovation regional strategy – in collaboration with DMS Conseil

European Commission, DG Research

CSA ICARe (Erdyn coordinator) on the assessment and the strategy of cooperation between Europe and third countries in the field of aviation

EPFL – École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

For the entire European Flagship HBP (Human Brain Project), bootstrapping of an approach to promote research reasults towards industry, definition of an Innovation Hub and Incentive Schemes.

Rennes Métropole

Ex-ante assessment of the socio-economic impacts of a project devoted to mobility

FIT (association of the French Institutes of Technological Research)

Support to the strategic thinking and drafting of proposals for the launch of the third Investments for the Future plan

Nexa – regional innovation agency, La Réunion Island

Optimisation of the tech transfer organisation on the territory of the La Réunion island


Assessment of the French competitive clusters (phase 2) and recommendations for phase 3 of this policy – in partnership with Technopolis and BearingPoint


Study on the key technologies for France at the 2020 horizon (read the report here: Technologies Clés 2020) – in partnership with avec Alcimed and Atelier Iceberg.

Européan Parliament


COMUE Normandie

Definition and support to the implementation of Normandie Valorisation

Nexa – regional innovation agency, La Réunion Island

Evolution of the business model of the innovation poles of La Réunion island


Design and implementation of a methodology aiming at assessing the innovation potential of the regional laboratories

Savoie Technolac

Setup of an observatory of the Energy sector for the Savoie region

PACA regional counsel

Support to the reflection on the services strategy and the business model of the regional business clusters – in collaboration with Axess Développement


CDC and Mission French Tech

Setup of an observatory and assessment of the French Tech Initiative – in partnership with EY

European Commission, DG CONNECT

TAIPI – Coordination and Support Action for the assessment of 2 FET Flagships projects HBP (Human Brain Project) and Graphene – in partnership with ZSI, ANR, EPFL et SP.

Bpifrance – CGI

Review of the actions of the future investment program in favor of the structuring of industrial sectors, collaborative work and the sharing of resources – in partnership with Technopolis and Eurolio.


Dev’Up Centre Val-de-Loire

Mid-term evaluation of the five potential areas of specialization of S3 and characterization of a potential area of ​​specialization track “Polymer materials for the automotive and aeronautical industries” – in collaboration with Katalyse.