Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and its important for a European project

2024-12-18T11:09:55+01:00Wednesday 18 December 2024|Financing, Innovation|

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is a universally recognised scale used to evaluate the maturity of a technology. Spanning from TRL 1 (basic principles observed) to TRL 9 (fully operational technology), the scale plays a vital role in the European innovation ecosystem by providing a clear framework for assessing how close a technology is to deployment. ...

A key milestone reached for the Horizon Europe PULSAR project

2024-06-27T14:25:13+02:00Thursday 27 June 2024|Financing, Transportation|

Third General Assembly in Berlin The consortium of the Horizon Europe PULSAR (Propelling European Leadership through Synergizing Aviation Research) project gathered from June 17 to 19 in Berlin at the premises of Rolls-Royce Deutschland for the third general assembly of the project. A year and a half after its launch, this meeting aimed to review ...

ERDYN consolidates its leader position in the European Defence Fund (EDF) project set-up and management !

2024-05-22T15:11:44+02:00Wednesday 22 May 2024|Defence, Financing, Innovation|

The results of the 2023 European Defence Fund (EDF) calls for projects were published by the European Commission on Thursday, May 16. This year, five projects supported by Erdyn have been selected for funding. All these projects will receive financial support from the European Union (and in some cases co-funding from the Member States). The ...


2024-01-12T15:24:38+01:00Friday 12 January 2024|Financing, Innovation|

As we enter a new year, it's time to look back at what Erdyn’s Europe team has achieved over 2023! A record number of European projects supported and submitted by Erdyn in 2023 2023 was a year of unprecedented dynamism and numerous set-up successes in European projects. Our team supported and submitted more than ...

ERDYN partner of SOTERIA Horizon 2020 project

2022-01-31T08:37:02+01:00Monday 31 January 2022|Financing, Information Technology and Communication, Innovation|

The SOTERIA project « uSer-friendly digiTal sEcured peRsonal data and prIvacy platform », funded under Horizon 2020 Programme, started in October 2021, and will last for 36 months. Coordinated by ARIADNEXT, a French SME specialised in digital identity, the project gathers 13 partners from 8 countries, including 8 academics, 2 associations, 3 SMEs and one ...