ERDYN partner of SOTERIA Horizon 2020 project

2022-01-31T08:37:02+01:00Monday 31 January 2022|Financing, Information Technology and Communication, Innovation|

The SOTERIA project « uSer-friendly digiTal sEcured peRsonal data and prIvacy platform », funded under Horizon 2020 Programme, started in October 2021, and will last for 36 months. Coordinated by ARIADNEXT, a French SME specialised in digital identity, the project gathers 13 partners from 8 countries, including 8 academics, 2 associations, 3 SMEs and one ...

Towards the Augmented Consultant

2022-01-03T16:26:29+01:00Monday 3 January 2022|Uncategorized|

When carrying out studies for our clients, Erdyn's consultants are required to analyse and synthesise information contained, in particular, in the scientific literature. In general, the purpose of reading a scientific publication is to clarify questions and provide specific answers to a need for information, but the considerable wealth of knowledge present in the ...