1st ANIMA Technical Review and Project Management Meeting: motivation is the keyword, as progress is visible
Bucharest, 16 March 2018 – Erdyn participated to the ANIMA project meeting which took place in Bucharest between 12-15 March. The Technical Review and Project Management Meeting is a biannual joint meeting which gathers all project partners in order to assess the state of play of the work being carried out. The 1st technical ...
Erdyn a repris la route du concours I-LAB 2018 !
Cette année encore, les consultants Erdyn sillonnent les routes de France pour partir à la rencontre des porteurs de projets de création de start-up dans le cadre de la 20ème édition du concours I-LAB. Erdyn est membre du consortium d’expertise externe dirigé par EY et qui réunit également Abso Conseil, KloroBiz, M2Tech et Talent ...
Cartographie des acteurs clés de la R&D composites thermoplastiques
Erdyn est heureux d'avoir accompagné l'alliance Carnot pour l'Industrie du futur dans l'élaboration de la cartographie des acteurs clés de la R&D composites thermoplastiques. Les matériaux composites sont des matériaux relativement récents (par rapport aux métaux) qui ont été utilisés dès les années 1950 dans le nautisme puis dans les années 1970 pour des ...
HBP First Innovation Forum
This event is co-organised by Erdyn and is an opportunity for researchers, industrials, socio-economic actors and clinicians to exchange and debate on the areas of scientific research, biotechnology and brain function. Several topics will be discussed such as: • Artificial intelligence • Brain inspired computing • Data processing (Big data, data mining etc.) • ...
Ynsect va lever 100 millions!
Selon les Echos, la start-up française a mandaté la banque américaine Jefferies pour lever 100 millions d'euros. Elle veut financer la première usine de production du genre à grande échelle destinée à l'alimentation animale. Erdyn avait accompagné Ynsect lors de son éclosion en 2013; Témoignage d’Antoine Hubert, CEO d’Ynsect : « Erdyn nous a ...
First annual HBP Innovation forum
EVENT INFORMATION On March 22, 2018, the first HBP Innovation Forum will be held at the National History Museum in London. This event is co-organised by Erdyn and is an opportunity for researchers, industrials, socio-economic actors and clinicians to exchange and debate on the areas of scientific research, biotechnology and brain function. Several topics ...
First annual HBP Innovation forum
EVENT INFORMATION On March 22, 2018, the first HBP Innovation Forum will be held at the National History Museum in London. Registration This event is co-organised by Erdyn and is an opportunity for researchers, industrials, socio-economic actors and clinicians to exchange and debate on the areas of scientific research, biotechnology and brain function. Several ...
Les résultats de la première phase de l’Appel à projets TIGA (Territoires d’Innovation de Grande Ambition) piloté par la CDC dans le cadre du PIA3 sont tombés et nous sommes très heureux de voir que le dossier accompagné par Erdyn « Champs du possible, Ville du futur » fédérant le sud Alsace autour d’un projet de ...
In November 2017, the EU's research and innovation Commission has launched a new online platform for Horizon 2020 data implementation. The H2020 Dashboard is an interactive tool which shows online statistics and graphics, for example by type of Action or by Pillar of the H2020 programme; offers new analytical functions, which can be useful ...
European project « ANIMA » selected for funding under Horizon 2020 Transport Work programme
European project ANIMA « Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches » has been selected for funding under the call « Mobility for Growth » of the Horizon 2020 programme. ANIMA’s kick-off meeting took place on the 25th and 26th of October in Palaiseau. Twenty-two partners from eleven countries will collaborate during the next four years ...
Projet européen ANIMA retenu pour financement Horizon 2020 !
Le projet européen ANIMA « Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches » a été retenu par la Commission européenne dans le cadre du call « Mobility for Growth » du programme Horizon 2020. La réunion de lancement du projet ANIMA a eu lieu les 25 et 26 octobre derniers à Palaiseau. Vingt-deux partenaires provenant de ...
Erdyn présent au congrès Biofit
Erdyn est présent au congrès Biofit Venez nous rencontrer au stand B4 pour discuter de vos projets d’innovation.
The relevance of impact in R&I policy – What role for networks ?
24 November 2017, Erdyn will be involved in the next COST Strategic Workshop dedicated to “The relevance of impact in R&I policy – What role for networks? “ We will present and discuss our impact assessment methodology based on cross approaches and tools (stats, maps, network analysis and related metrics), but also suggest more ...
European Project « CONCERTO » selected for funding under Clean Sky 2 programme !
A new European project supported by Erdyn has been selected for funding. ERDYN has supported ONERA and its partners in building CONCERTO project under the framework of Clean Sky 2 programme. CONCERTO will develop a new computational tool enabling, in multiple operating conditions, the noise prediction of lateral rotors of various dimensions, installed on the ...